Kirby Davis originally from California, has performed in the American Academy of Dramatic Arts production of Ruined, directed by Shirley Jo Finney, and South Coast Repertory’s A Christmas Carol with Hal Landon Jr. After entering the Rutgers training program, she has had the opportunity of playing “Girl” in Hello Out There, directed by Gabriel Vega Weissman, “Amaryllis” in The Rehearsal directed by Christopher Cartmill and “Perdita” in The Winters Tale directed by Nicole Charles. This year she had the pleasure of being directed by Machell Ross in the Rutgers Playwright festival production of Bad American Dreams, written by Thalia Sablon, as she played “Roselyn”. Kirby has been actively preparing for her life outside of Mason Gross and looks forward to the launch of her career.
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Instagram: @i_got_kirb_appeal
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